Sunday, September 7, 2014

Exploring a big park

This morning my dad and I went to a big park near where I live. There were lots of new smells to trace.

Shortly after getting out of the car, I encountered a chipmunk. I chased him a little and then he and I stared at each other for a few minutes. I could not get closer - dad would not let me! Eventually the chipmunk sprinted away! 

I continued to sniff other scents out and even met two Dalmatians. They were friendly and nice.

But sniffing these scents was what I wanted to do mainly -

Then we came across this dog park. Sadly no other dogs were there so I just did a little exploring.

This dog park is big - with ramps and hurdles and other fun stuff to learn. And plenty of romping and running room. I will have to get dad to take me back when there are more dogs here!

At end of walk, I was worn out and hot. I laid in the floor board of dad's car. It was cooler there!

We went over to uncle Jeff's house and I got to socialize with Roux. My dad and uncle Jeff talked for a while. Then while I stayed with uncle Jeff and Roux, my dad want to the pet store and got some more food. At uncle Jeff's house, I just lounged around on the cool floor getting cooled off and snoozing and being loved on.

This floor felt so good and cool!

After my dad came back and talked to uncle Jeff a little more, we decided to head home.

Came home, did my business outside, and now am napping away on my favorite soft blanket spot on the sofa.


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